Saturday, March 31, 2007


Welcome to the iScanner blog. Here at iScanner we will be posting tips, tricks, suggestions, reviews and other information for radio scanners. Also new and upcoming scanners will be featured here. Thanks for stopping by, and please feel free to post your comments.




Anonymous said...

Hello, does anyone view this site anymore?

safetyobc said...

I have let this blog slip over the past several months not adding new content. I am trying to pursue other ventures, but left it up for anyone wanting to read the comments. I don't know how to see how many page views I have, so I dunno how many people actually use it.


Anonymous said...

Hello Matt:
Thanks for your reply. I don't think that scanning is as popular as it once was, some of that might be because scanners have become to difficult to program and also all of the other electronic gadgets that have come on the market. We have in our area, analog trucking and digital plus conventional VHF and UHF. If you want to be informed you have to have a scanner,
and I want to be informed.
There are a lot of things that never make the news, but you do hear it on your scanner.
T have a nice day, Pete