The Pro-2055 is a good all around analog trunking scanner. It covers all of the popular public safety bands, ham bands, air band and even MilAir. It is a triple trunking analog scanner with a host of features. However there is one flaw. The LCD will go out unexpectedly forcing you to send it back to Radio Shack for the repairs.
The Pro-2055 scanner is made by a company called GRE (General Research of Electronics, Inc.) They make some of the best scanners out there; Pro-96/2096, Pro-95, Pro-97 and many others. Typically they never have any problems, except for the Pro-2055 model.
The Pro-2055 is the base/mobile model of the Pro-97. There have not been any reported (continuous) problems with the Pro-97 that I am aware of. I own 2 Pro-97's and have not had 1 minutes trouble. I was thinking of trading one for a mobile like the Pro-2055, but I just can't do it with the LCD problem. This is a bad mark on GRE as far as I am concerned. They should issue a statement and recall those whose LCDs go out. Date codes that seem to be mostly affected are 06A05 and 09A05. Although some 01A06, 03A06 and 04A06 have reported the LCD failing.
At least when Uniden's BCD396T had the silk screen print problem, they stepped up to the plate and issued a statement and recalled the product to be fixed free of charge which included shipping. NOTE: The BCD396T print issue only affected the first production run units. New units shipping after that are not affected!
GRE makes a good scanner in the Pro-2055, but I don't think I would ever buy another. I owned one about a year ago, but sold it in fear of this problem. I only owned it for about 2 months. I never had any trouble with the one I had, but I didn't want to go through the hassle.
GRE, shame on you! An obviously defective product should be recalled. You [the customer] shouldn't be charged for fixing the defective parts, no matter how long you own it since it is known that this is a defective product. As of this date they are charging $49 plus tax to repair the faulty LCD if you are outside your warranty (1 year warranty). There is a growing list on who have had the LCD problem on the Pro-2055. How many others out there have bought a Pro-2055 and had this LCD go out that are not members? Thousands, I'm sure.
I think the way GRE/Radio Shack is handling this gives them a black eye. At least to me it does. I am not naive enough to think that electronics can't have problems. I am just saying that when they do, in this capacity, they should be addressed properly. GRE (RadioShack) has not admitted they have a problem, nor will they. They want to sell you the product, then have you pay for the repair. Obviously that is what they want, they are proving it over and over again.
I would be very cautious of buying a Pro-2055 scanner at this point. Spend a few more dollars and get a BCT15 or similar GRE model. Good Luck